New Series In February: Justice For All
Wed, Feb 23
Have you ever been hurt so badly by someone that you desperately wanted revenge? When we’re treated cruelly or unfairly, it’s natural to want justice. But what does “justice” really mean? Join us Wednesday nights at The FBCCC at 6pm for a meal, games, fellowship, and new series called Just For All.

Time & Location
Feb 23, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Sayre, 103 S 5th St, Sayre, OK 73662, USA
About the Event
Have you ever been hurt so badly by someone that you desperately wanted revenge? When we’re treated cruelly or unfairly, it’s natural to want justice. But what does “justice” really mean? Is it only about handing our consequences and punishment to the people who have wronged us, or could it be something more? How do we balance forgiveness and grace with truth and consequences? We will see that there’s someone in the Old Testament of the Bible whose life has a lot to teach us about justice. In this 4-week series, the story of Joseph will help us see that justice is love in action and that, when we’re wronged by others, we can hold on to hope, trust that integrity can withstand injustice, and learn to practice justice that restores what’s broken.